June 18, 2019

Moving From the Dorm Room to a Summer Storage Unit

It isn’t officially summer until you’ve cleaned out your door room. Get tips on how to clean at record speed, what to save and what to throw away, and how and why to book storage in our summer dorm room moving guide.

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College classes may be finished, but there is one more thing to take care of before the official start of Summer. That’s right: it’s time to clear out your dorm room. Follow these tips for a spotless clean and seamless move into storage.

Tips for Proper Packing

  1. Make checklists. Stay organized by making lists of what you want to take with you for the summer, what you want to throw away, and items you want to move into storage.
  2. Start the packing process early. Pack your bags and move your excess belongings into storage before your final clean. This will make the last deep-clean easier.
  3. Invest in packing supplies. Purchase packing essentials such as same-sized boxes (for stacking), packing tape, and bubble wrap to prepare your items for storage.

Tips for Successful Self Storage

  1. Do your research. Find a reputable self storage facility with good reviews, affordable prices, excellent amenities, and flexible contracts. (You’re only going to be storing for a few months; you don’t want to sign a year-long storage lease.)
  2. Book early. Summer storage fills up fast, so look into local self storage at the start of the semester to ensure that you have a spot.
  3. Stack smartly. Same-sized boxes allow you to stack with space efficiency. Stack lighter boxes on top of heavier ones. If you’re going to access your unit over the summer, pack to keep your most-used items near the front for easy access.

Tips for Comprehensive Cleaning

  1. Check dorm guidelines. Most colleges have guides or contracts for their residents to sign when moving in. There, you’ll find information on what your dorm room needs to look like when you move out.
  2. Sweep and mop. To breeze through the room walk-through with your RA, sweep and mop to rid your room of dust, dirt, and grime.
  3. Don’t take college property. Most college dorm rooms come at least partially furnished. Don’t accidentally take any furnishings that aren’t yours when you leave. You’ll be fined, and you may not be able to register for classes or get your transcript until you pay.